


王君于十七岁考入西安音乐学院民乐系本科,师从中国著名二胡演奏家及教育家鲁日融教授。 80年在学院二胡比赛中,获第一名,82年在中国民族器乐独奏观摩比赛中获优秀表演奖(一等奖),86年在中国广东音乐比赛中获优秀表演奖, 87年在陕西省民族器乐作品比赛中获优秀表演奖,89年在中国中央电视台举办的“山城杯”民族器乐二胡专业组比赛中获第二名,91年在中国民族器乐作品比赛中获创作及表演一等奖。1983年王君随中国青年艺术家代表团出访中东三国,84年随陕西省化交流团赴日本演出。多年来,在中国各大城市的重要演出中均担任独奏及领奏。1995年应新加坡华乐团之邀,在纪念刘天华先生诞辰100周年音乐会上担任独奏并于一些社团和知名音乐家合作举办音乐会,均有上乘的表演。近期曾多次应邀赴香港,马来西亚等地演出和教学,都深受赞誉。


Wang Fang Liang is an outstanding Erhu performer and a highly respected member of the Chinese music community.  He is the Honorary Director of the Chinese Folk Music Association (China), the Honorary Advisor of the Erhu Society of China, and a member of the Chinese Musicians’ Association (China).  Now based in Singapore, Wang teaches the Erhu at the Music Department of the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, and the Gifted Young Chinese Instrumentalists Course at its School of Young Talents.  He is also the President of the Erhu Society (Singapore).

At age 17, Wang was admitted to the Chinese Folk Music Faculty of the Xi’an Conservatory of Music and studied under the famous Erhu virtuoso and pedagogue Professor Lu Ri Rong.  Since then, he was won a string of accolades for his Erhu performance.  These include first prizes at the Xi’an Conservatory’s Erhu Competition in 1980 and the China National Folk Music Solo Performance Competition in 1982, outstanding performance prizes at the Guangdong Music Competition in 1986 and Shanxi Folk Music Competition in 1987, second prize in the Erhu section of the Shancheng Cup Folk Music Competition organised by China’s Central Television in 1989 and first prizes for both composition and performance in the China National Folk Music Competition in 1991.

Wang was a member of China’s delegation of young artistes that performed in the Middle East in 1983, as well as the Shanxi cultural exchange delegation to Japan in 1984.  He has also performed as soloist and principal player in major concerts and performances across China.  In 1995, at the invitation of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra, Wang performed to much acclaim as a soloist at the concert commemorating the 100th birth anniversary of Erhu virtuoso Liu Tian Hua.  More recently, Wang has been invited to speak and perform in various Asian countries, including Hong Kong and Malaysia.  These appearances have been well-received by the international audience.

The passion and boldness of Wang’s performances, which is characteristic of the unrestrained musical style of Northern China, and his ability to convey the exquisiteness and elegance of the Southern style, combine to produce a unique and distinctive musical tone.  This mastery of technique has earned him the praise and commendation of numerous leading authorities of the Chinese music.

Wang’s recordings include “Capriccio on a Qin Theme”, “The Story of Lan Hua Hua”, “Moon’s Reflection
on Er Quan” and “Wang Fang Liang’s Erhu Collection”.  He currently devotes his time to promoting Chinese music and teaching the Erhu in Singapore, where he has students of various nationalities.